Glamorgan Cricket & Cricket Wales, in partnership with the Community Foundation in Wales, have set up a fund for benefactors and philanthropists that have a heart for cricket in Wales to support cricket in Wales, in a tax efficient way.

What is it all about?

  • We know that engagement in cricket can change peoples’ lives for the better, making them healthier, more connected and more likely to achieve a sense of well-being. Cricket can create more cohesive societies and through examples like our Black and Minority Ethnic Scheme in Cardiff, our school engagement programme changing many pupil’s lives in all corners of Wales or inspiring children to aspire to great things in their lives though a visit to our amazing stadium in Sophia Gardens, we know that supporting cricket can help people of all backgrounds and genders.

Across the Principality of Wales the fund will:

  • Provide enjoyable playing opportunities within recreational cricket.
  • Create equitable and inclusive pathways into cricket.
  • Support coaches, officials, ground staff and sustainable facilities. 

In this way the fund will:

  • Provide health benefits and improve the lives of individuals and communities.
  • Advance the education of children and young people. 

How can I donate?

Click here to donate for a one off gift

Click here to consider a gift in your will and leave a legacy.


Want to know more? Get in touch with Cricket Wales:

Phone: 02920 419 341
Twitter: @cricketwales