Academy Dubai Tour Diary Update

17 Dec 2015 | Cricket
A very busy day for the boys, starting with a red ball net and a good fielding session.
The boys have really applied themselves well in the nets and have adapted to the conditions well. The pitches are a lot slower than back home and there is very little bounce. It has been a real positive to be able to do a large amount of fielding at this time of the year with the boys. We have taken full advantage of the excellent facilities to do some very good fielding sessions.

The nets were followed by another beach fitness session to the boys horror. Sets of shuttle runs were followed by a body weight circuit session which amused the lads as they are always going on about their beach weights so today they got the opportunity to really do some.

A quick shower and change and we were off on our desert safari. Some incredible driving skills were shown by our 4x4 drivers and they certainly turned a few stomachs. We then got to make friends with a few camels and the evening was finished in style with a barbeque in the middle of the desert followed by some suspect belly dancing by the lads.

An excellent day was had by all, tomorrow brings a full day of middle practice in preparation for our final game on Saturday.