Committee Nominations and AGM 2016

13 Jan 2016 | Cricket
Pursuant to Rule 13.3 of the Club Rules, the terms of the following current members of the Committee come to an end on 31st March 2016 (the proposed date of the Club's 2016 Annual General Meeting).
Each of the below is eligible for re-election to the Committee.
  • Dean Conway
  • Barrie Owen
  • Rachel Owen
  • John Williams

Under the provision of Rule 14.1, two members may nominate for membership of the Committee, another Member, who is willing to serve on the Committee.

Nomination forms can be downloaded here (pdf) or requested by contacting Christopher Avery on 02920 419313 (or e-mail

Completed forms must be returned, before 1st February, 2016 to:
The Club Secretary,
Glamorgan County Cricket Club Limited,
CF11 9XR.

In the event of more than 4 nominations being received, the Club will conduct a ballot to determine which of the nominated Members shall serve as members of the Committee.

Please note that if you wish to nominate someone or be nominated yourself, you must be a current Member. To purchase, renew or upgrade your membership for 2016, please click here to purchase online or call the Club's ticket office on 02920 419 311.