JD Dinner Raises £35,000

24 Jan 2017 | Cricket
The fundraising dinner for former Glamorgan player and coach John Derrick held at The SSE SWALEC last month helped raise £35,000.

The dinner demonstrated how county clubs can work with the PCA Benevolent Fund to support their former players and was organised by current and former Glamorgan players Mark Wallace, Hugh Morris, Mike Powell and Ian Thomas to help John Derrick, who is receiving treatment for a brain tumour which required surgery.

The sell-out event attracted past and present Glamorgan players, a contingent from Gloucestershire and cricket clubs from across Wales. The proceeds from the successful event will be used to supplement the help that Derrick has already received from the PCA Benevolent Fund.

“The evening was a special event in support of a special man. John has supported players at all levels of the game and, given the circumstances, it was only fitting we did this to support John and his family in his recovery,” said Thomas, who is now PCA Head of Development and Welfare.

“Glamorgan set an excellent example of how county clubs can help the PCA Benevolent Fund to look after their past players in times of need.

“There are many people to thank for supporting the evening, from organisers to attendees and it showed again how powerful the cricketing family can be.”

Former England off-spinner and National Selector Geoff Miller was guest speaker, Morris, now Glamorgan’s Chief Executive, spoke about Derrick’s career achievements, Glamorgan’s Director of Cricket Robert Croft acted as auctioneer and broadcaster Phil Steele was Master of Ceremonies.

Players from Glamorgan’s Academy also supported Derrick, currently Performance Manager of the Cricket Board of Wales, by collecting raffle envelopes.

Donations can still be made online to support John Derrick at: www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/pcabenevolent/JohnDerrickDinner or by sending cheques to Glamorgan CCC made payable to the PCA Benevolent Fund and marked ‘for John Derrick.’