More about the Glamorgan Remembers Project

25 Nov 2015 | Cricket
The Glamorgan Remembers Project involves a partnership between Glamorgan County Cricket Club, the Royal British Legion and Cardiff University. One of the core objectives of the Project is to provide an online platform whereby the contributions made by the people from the cricketing communities of Wales during times of warfare and conflict can be commemorated.
More about our Project

The aims of the Project are:
  • to unearth and share new stories, to create new knowledge about the two World Wars and to highlight the sacrifices made by representatives of our local communities.
  • to provide teachers with examples of good practice, besides showing how to incorporate topics such as bereavement , hardship and emphathy in an effective and stimulating way into teaching programmes at primary and secondary level.
  • to assist representatives of cricket clubs, schools and other organisations make suitable and fitting commemorations.
Pupils at Christ College, Brecon have already undertaken commemorative work on their pupils who died during the Great War. Click here and here to view examples of their work. Similarly, Llandaff Cathedral School have undertaken research about their alumni who gave their lives to King and Country during World War One. Click here to see their website and the fruits of their research work.

During the course of the coming months Glamorgan County Cricket Club will be displaying in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket examples of work created by other school groups, besides showing a series of short films about some of the cricketers who fought during the two World Wars.

In addition, during June 2016, there will be a special exhibition in the Museum entitled Glamorgan Remembers which will look at those who fought during the campaign in Mametz Wood during 1916. It will take place during a County Championship match in Cardiff, with pupils from schools participating in this Project being invited to attend and to contribute to the exhibition and other commemorative activities.

About our Partners:

The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion is a national charity helping people in local communities. The Legion provides information, advice and guidance to help the Armed Forces community find and access the support they need. To view their website for Wales, click here

Cardiff University
Cardiff University is a partner in the Voices of War and Peace WW1 Engagement centre and is supporting a range of engagement initiatives over the course of the centenary. For more on these activities please visit here