Museum Talks - details confirmed for Feb/March

7 Jan 2019 | Cricket
The speakers and dates have been confirmed for the remaining talks in the popular series held over the winter months in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at the home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff.

The 2019 programme begins with Club President Alan Jones will be speaking about his illustrious career as a batsman on January 15th, and he will be followed on February 7th (starting at 1900) by Steve Watkin with the Club's former bowler and now 2nd  XI coach reflecting on his illustrious playing career with the Welsh county as well as in international cricket with England, besides outlining his current work with the rising stars of Welsh cricket.


At 1900 on March 5th the final talk of the winter will take place, entitled “ The Cricketing Family Harrison”. The evening will see Stuart Harrison, plus his sons David and Adam, reflecting on their playing careers with Glamorgan as well as looking at what they have done since their careers as professional cricketers ended. In David's case he will speak about his coaching roles with Glamorgan and the England Lions whilst Adam will talk about his role as lead teacher in the Club's BTEC programme.


For further information about these talks, and how to make bookings, please visit