Wallace on Helm and Sammy

28 May 2014 | Cricket
Glamorgan hope to keep Helm for Essex

When you have players out through injury like Mike Reed and Graham Wagg it gives others the chance to step in, Tom Helm was excellent this game, its his best match so far for us so we've got a good squad and its about the guys in the squad contributing when the opportunity arises

We'd like to keep Tom for the Chelmsford game, there's a discussion to be had with his employers at Middlesex. He's enjoyed his time here and he feels he is learning and performing well. His loan is up half way through the Essex game, so hopefully we can extend it a little bit longer because he's come in and done very well. MAybe Angus Fraser's old touring mate Robert Croft might have a word in his ear for us

Its great to have Darren Sammy joining us. It came as a surprise to alot of us as I'm sure it has to supporters. The Premier League team I used to play for, Port Talbot have been saying we should sign Sammy for the last 6 months so they were elated to hear he was coming.

Toby Radford has a strong relationship with him from the West indies and we've all seen him in action on the TV and way he plays his cricket is fantastic making his fantastic shots, hitting 6s, will add somethingto us on the filed and off it as a West Indies captain and cpatin in the IPPL he arrives ahead of friday so he will have a big impact
