Boundaries for Life: Fans Check-in for Health ‘MOT’ at England V Sri Lanka ODI

28 Jun 2016 | Cricket
A free match-day ‘health check’ service for fans attending the England V Sri Lanka ODI game at The SSE SWALEC on Saturday 2nd July is expected to save lives through early detection of major killers such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and oral cancer.

Working with The SSE SWALEC, the health promotion intervention, called Boundaries for Life, will give fans over the age of 35 the chance to undergo a free health screening process – similar to a car’s annual MOT check – that will measure blood pressure, body mass index and cholesterol levels, all of which are key indicators relating to chronic diseases. The checks are only 15-20 minutes long, and will be available from 10.00am until start of the second innings.
Health checks are free of charge, and will be available from the Boundaries for Life marquee within the Foster’s Fanzone (Pavilion Lawn). All participants will be given simple healthy lifestyle advice, and if necessary, a referral letter to their doctor or dentist for follow up.
The Boundaries for Life initiative has been devised by a small consortium of health and sports stadia professionals, with the screening service provided by a team of volunteer doctors, dentists and nurses. Referring to the benefits of this new initiative Dr Chet Trivedy, clinical lead for Boundaries for Life, commented:
“Given that men in their 30’s and 40’s are particularly poor at presenting early symptoms of diseases to their GP, and with limitations on access to dental services, the availability of free health and dental checks in the relaxed atmosphere of a sporting event is a valuable resource in the early detection of symptoms associated with chronic diseases.”
Time: 10.00am until start of the second innings.
Location: Boundaries for Life marquee in the Foster’s Fanzone at The SSE SWALEC on the Pavilion Lawn