Donate your cricket kit to the Lords Taverners

26 Mar 2018 | Cricket
The UK’s leading youth cricket and disability sports charity, the Lord’s Taverners, is running a pre-season cricket kit donation drive as they look to donate kit to thousands of disadvantaged young people all over the world that will enable them to play cricket for the first time.

In 2017 alone, the Lord’s Taverners donated over 4,100 items of cricket kit to 14 countries including Cameroon, Gambia, Rwanda, Serbia and Malawi with more countries set to benefit in the coming years.

We are one of many kit collection hubs across the country taking kit donations from anyone who has usable but unwanted cricket kit they would like to donate to this worthy cause.

You can donate your kit during the period of Saturday 24 March and Sunday 8 April to Reception, The SSE SWALEC.

Detail on the type of kit that can be donated is listed here 

More information on the Lord’s Taverners Sports Kit Recycling scheme can be seen on their website

Please call 020 7025 0000 or email if you have any queries.