Embrace National Pride this St. David’s Day with recipes from Discover Leeks

28 Feb 2017 | Cricket
To celebrate St David’s Day and all that is Welsh, Discover Leeks and Glamorgan County Cricket Club have teamed up to share some recipes that make the most of some of Wales’ finest icons – including of course, the national vegetable of Wales, the leek!

Created by Glamorgan County Cricket Club’s Head Chef John Chapman and Pastry Chef Laurent Chauvire,the recipes for a traditional Welsh Rarebit with Leeks and trend-setting Savoury Leek Macaroons, showcase the iconic vegetable’s great taste and versatility.

Whether sliced or diced, sautéed or baked, there is no end to the way to enjoy leeks. Boasting a host of benefits, they are also one of the easiest and tastiest ways to enjoy one of your five a day.

So don’t just wear a leek this St. David’s Day, eat one!

Glamorgan Cricket Welsh Rarebit with Leeks (or Posh Cheese on Toast)
By John Chapman, Head Chef at The SSE SWALEC.
Prep: 25 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes
Serves 4

60g Welsh butter + 20g for the leeks
75g plain flour
200ml Welsh bitter
200ml fresh milk
150g Caerphilly cheese, grated
1 tbsp English mustard
½ tbsp wholegrain mustard
125g leeks, finely chopped
3 medium free range egg yolks
1 crusty sourdough or rustic loaf, thickly sliced into 8
A handful of fresh chives, chopped (for garnish)

1. Pre-heat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7.
2. Melt the 60g butter over a medium heat in a medium thick-bottomed saucepan taking care that it doesn’t burn.
3. Add the flour and stir well until it forms a roux. Then slowly add the beer, a bit at a time, allowing the alcohol to boil off between each addition.  The roux will develop the consistency of soft dough.
4. Slowly add the milk, stirring all the time, until you have created a thick sauce similar to béchamel. 
5. Add the Caerphilly cheese and both mustards and stir until it has melted and you are left with a smooth creamy sauce. Set aside to cool slightly.
6. While the sauce is cooling gently sauté the leeks in the remaining butter until they have softened.
7. Fold the egg yolks into the cheese sauce, add the sautéed leeks and stir to combine the mixture. Check for seasoning and add salt and pepper if required.
8. Lay 8 slices of bread on a warmed baking tray. Generously spoon the leek and cheese mixture on to the sliced bread. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until the top is brown and crispy. Or place under a grill for 5 minutes.
9. Serve on warmed plates and garnish with the chopped chives.
10. Mwynhewch!

Savoury Leek Macaroons
By Laurent Chauvire, Pastry Chef at The SSE SWALEC.

Recipe available on request