John Williams Appointed Honorary Consultant and Ambassador to Glamorgan CCC

3 Jun 2018 | Cricket
Glamorgan County Cricket Club announces the appointments of John Williams as an Honorary Consultant and Ambassador to the Club and of Rachel Owen as his replacement on the newly formed Board of Directors, following John’s decision to stand down as a Director.

The Board has invited John to continue to attend board meetings in his new capacity and, additionally, to be an Honorary Life Vice President of the Club. John has accepted both invitations.

John, who has been a strong supporter of the club’s revised governance arrangements and has served on the Glamorgan committee since the early 1980’s; while Rachel, who was a committee member between 2014 and 2015, narrowly failed to secure one of the two elected positions on the board at the recent ballot. [Three candidates stood for election.]

Commenting on John’s new appointment, the outgoing chairman, Barry O’Brien, paid tribute to John as follows:

“John Williams is a truly wonderful man whose support and passion for Glamorgan is second to none – his achievements with the Balconiers both in terms of staging our St Helen’s Festival and raising funds for the club have been magnificent. We are delighted that John has agreed to accept the position as a consultant and ambassador to the Board on his resignation from it, such that we will continue to benefit from his wise counsel, while his appointment as Honorary Life VP is a fitting tribute to his many achievements.”

John Williams responded as follows: “I am delighted to accept the role of Honorary Consultant and Ambassador to Glamorgan County Cricket Club.  I am profoundly humbled and honoured to have been appointed as an Honorary Life Vice-President of the Club and thrilled to take up these positions to continue supporting the best interests  of the Club and its Members."