Almost 1000 enjoy family fun day

24 May 2018 | Cricket
Sophia Gardens Cardiff played host to a family fun day this past weekend with nearly 1000 people passing through our gates in a joint effort by Glamorgan and the local forces.

From Samba Galez to Community Safety talks and Welsh Hearts CPR Training to Penarth Coastguard, Sophia Gardens welcomed the local community in the sunshine. 

Blane Thomas is Police Community Support Officer in the Cardiff area and was delighted to bring the family fun day to Sophia Gardens Cardiff.

"We normally hold an emergency services day each year, so this year we though we would bring it to Sophia Gardens Cardiff. We want to show the public what we do on a daily basis and let everyone get a feel for the equipment we use. 

"We felt that we could take the opportunity to do it for a charity called Welsh Hearts which has a mission to put more defibrillators into public access for communities in Cardiff.

"As a force we go from call to call so we don't get a chance to see people and they don't get time to engage with us. It's great to come here and facilitate that and speak to the community throughout the day."

Mark Frost is Glamorgan's Community and Development Manager and was keen for the club to be involved in the event alongside the local forces.

"We've been working alongside the South Wales Police Community Force for some time now in helping bring people into the stadium and we've both got lots in common.

"We want to engage with the community and they asked whether they could host a emergency services day here on the lawn at Sophia Gardens Cardiff and we were more than happy to get involved.

"It's really encouraging to see lots of young families and we're trying to engage new people to cricket. For many here today they may not have been to the ground before, so we want to introduce the community to cricket in being more approachable and accessible."