An Evening with Edward Bevan - Weds, Feb 17th

12 Feb 2016 | Cricket
Edward Bevan, the long-serving cricket commentator and journalist will be the next speaker in the popular series of winter events in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at Glamorgan's headquarters on Wednesday, February 17th at 7.30pm.
An Evening with Edward Bevan will see the BBC Wales cricket commentator reflect on his life in cricket, starting with his own playing career with Gowerton Cricket Club and their success in the winning the Village Cup Final at Lord's in the 1970s.

Edward will also speak about how he became to be a commentator, not only on cricket, but also rugby, besides reflecting on some of his most memorable moments in the commentary box including Glamorgan's one-day successes in 1993, 2002 and 2004, their County Championship campaign of 1997 and visits to Lord's finals in 2000 and 2013, as well as the occasions when balls have made their way through the commentary box windows!

The doors of the Museum will be open on February 17th from 6.45pm to allow people a chance to view some of the exhibits in the Museum and to mingle with other Glamorgan supporters. Tickets for current Glamorgan members cost £3 in advance or £4 on the door on the night. For non-members, it is £4 in advance or £5 on the door (Price includes complimentary tea and coffee).

Tickets are available for purchase from Reception in the Really Welsh Pavilion during normal office hours on weekdays. Please enquire about parking when purchasing your ticket. For further information, please ring 029 2041 9383 or send an email to