Cooke Returns to Pre-season

4 Nov 2016 | Cricket
Chris Cooke returned to pre-season cricket practice this week, starting with a first net of the winter working with Glamorgan Head Coach Robert Croft at Neath CC as well as working hard through his rehabilitation with Glamorgan S&C Coach Tom Turner, following his back injury earlier this year.

“It was frustrating and disappointing to get the injury, but that’s part of the game,” said Cooke. “I’ve been quite lucky with injuries so I was probably due one. It was tough, but I feel like I’m trough it now and have been back in the gym.”

Cooke has escaped having an operation which looked essential to get him over the injury which has proved a reprieve as he returns to training ahead of next season.

“Ye it was a relief,” added Chris, “I was all geared to have the operation and then we were advised against it and told to wait and see. It’s been pretty good since then. I’ve got quite a strenuous programme now for the next four weeks where we are going to stress the back with cricket, gym and running.

 “The last two or three weeks now the training has been upped a bit so I’ve come through that, there’s been a bit of stiffness but I think that’s natural from time off, but the actual disc feels fine, so fingers crossed it stays that way

“By putting it under pressure we can gauge where it will be cricket fit or not so if I get through the next block of exercises and training then we should be looking good for next season.”

Listen below to the interview between Andrew Salter and Chris Cooke

Part 1

Part 2