Happy Anniversary Sophia\" - Museum Talk, Jan 18th

11 Jan 2017 | Cricket
“Happy Anniversary Sophia” is the title of the next presentation in the series of popular winter talks in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at The SSE SWALEC on Wednesday, January 18th starting at 7.30pm.

The evening will see Club Archivist Andrew Hignell start the 50th anniversary celebrations of county cricket at Sophia Gardens by looking back at the move to the pretty parkland ground during the mid-1960s following the decision to create a National Stadium in the heart of the Welsh capital city.

Besides looking at events leading up to the first matches at Sophia Gardens in 1967, and showing some images of the final summer of cricket at the Arms Park in 1966, Andrew will be recalling many of the highlights during the past fifty years of county and international cricket at Sophia Gardens, including showing a selection of previously unseen photographs of the joyous day in September 1969 when Glamorgan won the County Championship title for the second time in the Club’s history by defeating Worcestershire at their new home in Cardiff.

Tickets for the evening cost £3 in advance for current Glamorgan members or £4 on the door on the night. For non-members, it’s £4 in advance or £5 on the door (Price includes complimentary tea and coffee).  

Tickets can be purchased either:

  1. from Reception in the Discover Leeks Pavilion during normal office hours
  2. by ringing 02920 419383
  3. sending an email to museum@glamorgancricket.co.uk

Please enquire about parking when purchasing your ticket.