Life's a beach for cricket stars

19 Jun 2015 | Cricket
Ahead of the return of the Investec Ashes Series on 8th July, hosts Glamorgan Cricket have taken some unusual steps to make away fans feel at home in the Welsh capital.
Renowned for their love of the beach, any Australians wandering through Cardiff this week might have done a double take to see some Glamorgan's cricketers, including Australian fast-bowler, Michael Hogan, lounging on their own private river-side beach.

Hogan was joined by local boys, Andrew Salter and David Lloyd, as they soaked up the sun and enjoyed the view of the Taff. They even stoked up the barbie and enjoyed a couple of beach games to make the most of the beach experience.

The route from town along the river to The SSE SWALEC has actually been voted the best walk to a cricket stadium in the UK.

Michael Hogan said: It's easy to see why visitors love the walk to The SSE SWALEC. The park is beautiful and I'm sure that home and away fans alike will enjoy their trip to Cardiff.

Personally, I'm looking forward to plenty of Australians descending on the city; it will be great to hear the accent around the place for a few days.

Andrew Salter said: I know the Australians are proud of their beaches, but I'm a Pembrokeshire boy and I have to say that the Welsh beaches are pretty special too. Being so far from our own favourite beaches, Hogan and I both enjoyed our afternoon on the Costa Del Taff.

England take on Australia at The SSE SWALEC in the first Investec Ashes Test Match of 2015 from 8-12 July.

For anyone who wants to see history being made, there are still hospitality packages available for the first three days' cricket. There are also still a limited number of tickets available here for the fifth day of the Test on 12th July for £25 (which is fully refundable if no cricket is played).