Morris Backs Glamorgan Captains

4 Feb 2014 | Cricket
Chief Executive and Director of Cricket Hugh Morris believes the split captaincy format will benefit the Welsh county this summer with Wallace and Allenby set to flourish in their respective roles
The captaincy decision was confirmed and ratified at a committee meeting on Monday night with Mark Wallace continuing to lead the Club as captain for a third successive year and while Jim Allenby has regained the Twenty20 leadership duties.

There is an incredibly busy schedule this year with a new format and having two captains focusing on different areas is a positive thing, said Morris. I have been used to it for the national side and we see this as a positive move.

We are delighted to have two people within our squad with leadership credentials and I am sure they will do a good job.

Split captaincy has come in over the last 10 years and is a reflection on the amount of cricket that we play.

I see myself, Toby Radford, Jim and Mark working as a leadership team over the summer and supporting everyone over the three tournaments.

Mark can concentrate on the championship and look after the one-day side as well, added Morris. I have known Mark for a period of time and admired his leadership qualities on and off the field.

He is an excellent role model for Glamorgan and we are pleased he will do the job for a third successive year.

This is also a great opportunity for Jim. We have 16 matches in the new T20 Blast and Jim can focus on the new tournament.

He had a taste of it in 2012 which was a summer pretty much washed out. This year we are having a revamped and rebranded T20 tournament and I think it's the right time to take over the reins again.

It is a really exciting summer. Having Friday night for T20 cricket is a great opportunity for the club and people of Wales to see some entertainment at the Swalec Stadium.

Glamorgan are honing their preparations ahead of their county championship opener against Surrey at the Oval on April 6.

Most of our playing staff are back, said Morris. There have been 12 players based in the UK out of 19 and they have been in since November 1 so they've had a longer period of time preparing. They have responded really well and Toby is delighted with their attitude.

Michael Hogan is still playing Sheffield Shield but has also had a break, Jim Allenby and Murray Goodwin will be arriving from Perth in due course. We are ready and raring to go.

We are hoping to be out on grass from the middle of February which is the earliest any county has been in my experience. That's a great credit to our groundsman Keith Exton who has worked really hard to ensure we have facilities available.

The guys will be practising inside a marquee at the Swalec Stadium which is an innovative thing which will help our preparations going into the season.