Museum Talks - dates confirmed for this winter

14 Aug 2017 | Cricket
The dates for the popular programme of winter talks in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at Glamorgan\'s headquarters in Cardiff have now been confirmed.

The programme will commence at 7pm on October 11th when Winston Davis and Greg Thomas, the two former Glamorgan bowlers and international cricketers will reflect on the playing careers as well as their lives since retiring from the game. This will be followed on November 8th with "An Evening with Alan Wilkins" as the former Glamorgan left-arm bowler looks back on his career in county cricket, as well as on his work as broadcaster covering cricket and other sports worldwide.


Later on November 21st, Andrew Hignell will be giving a talk entitled "From Front Foot to Front Line" investigating the impact of the First World War on cricket in South Wales, whilst on December 6th, the popular winter quiz will see teams of four answering questions on cricket and general sport, besides enjoying a curry and drink in the company of fellow Glamorgan supporters.


The programme will continue on January 17th, when Stephen Hedges, the son of Glamorgan legend Bernard Hedges, reflects on his father’s outstanding career in county cricket whilst during February and March further talks will take place with fiormer Glamorgan captains, Alan Butcher and Malcolm Nash.


The Quiz Night will be £10 per person (including curry and a complimentary drink), whilst each of the other talks will be £3 in advance for current Glamorgan members or £4 on the door on the night. For non-members, it’s £4 in advance or £5 on the door (Price includes complimentary tea and coffee).  


Tickets can be purchased either from Reception in the Discover Leeks Pavilion during normal office hours,
by ringing 02920 419383 or by sending an email to  Please enquire about parking when purchasing your ticket.