Players to return to training on 1st July

30 Jun 2020 | Cricket

Glamorgan’s squad will return to training on Wednesday, 1st July, after confirmation from the ECB that the 2020 men’s county season will begin on 1st August.

Players will return to Sophia Gardens, following strict health and safety protocols set in place by the ECB and government advice.

Initially all training will be conducted on a one-to-one basis under the supervision of the coaching staff and the medical team at Glamorgan, with daily medical checks for the squad and all staff at Sophia Gardens.

Glamorgan are employing a phased return to training plan, with small group sessions the next step before a full squad return prior to the season beginning.

“We’re delighted to be taking these first steps towards playing cricket again”, said Mark Wallace, Director of Cricket.

“It’ll take a little time for the players to find their rhythm but we are confident that they’ll quickly adapt back into training and the new environment, and most of all everyone is looking forward to getting out on the field and getting stuck in.”

“The operations team at the stadium have worked hard to get the place ready, and the ground-staff have made sure that the pitches and facilities are still at their usual high standards, so it should be a smooth transition for everyone involved.”