Promotion A Real Aim For Us - Rudolph

6 Jul 2015 | Cricket
Ahead of Glamorgan's trip to Chesterfield to play Derbyshire in the latest round of the LV= County Championship, captain Jacques Rudolph spoke to BBC Wales about the culture he was helping the club to foster, the new signings and the team's performances so far this season.
Glamorgan are currently unbeaten in the four-day competition this season as the club enjoys one of their best starts to a campaign for a decade and with a tricky visit to play a fired up Derbyshire this week, the current crop of Glamorgan players have the chance to set a new club record of fifth consecutive victories in the Championship.

Rudolph puts the change in fortunes down to a different mental approach from the entire group, I've set myself up this year to challenge individuals and the team as a whole to start thinking differently about the way we want to play our game and to create the brand of cricket we want to play as a Club, one which is a strong brand of cricket.

Over the last few games we've started to achieve the targets we've set so its about keeping on top of that. We are blessed with a good group of players and that helps a lot.

There has been an investment of time and energy into creating an improved culture at the club, both in the dressing room and out and Rudolph attributes value to this environment that has been created.

Of the teams I've been involved with, Rudolph continued, for instance the Proteas in 2012, where it was just a great environment to be in, the team culture is important and we're reproducing that at Glamorgan. I think a lot of people have sensed there is a great vibe around Glamorgan Cricket right now and we want to move things forward and we have the right personnel to do that.

A number of players have contributed to the club's improved performances, not least down the order with the bat, but two of the real positives in limited overs and four day cricket this season have been the new recruits, Meschede and Ingram, and Jacques recognises this.

Meschede has been a revelation for us commented Rudolph. To his own righty he may have outperformed himself, but he's been brilliant for us this season.

I can throw him the ball and I know I'll get 100% from him and he's a skillful player too.

As for Colin Ingram, I've played quite a lot with Colin in South Africa. He's a very feisty character and very tough which is exactly what I want, some of the knocks he's played this season, you can see his international class.

With the team overcoming some difficult situations this season to either save a match or even turn losing positions into victories, the camp is confident.

Promotion is a real aim for us concluded Jacques. I was fortunate enough to play for Yorkshire in the First Division and obviously its quite competitive.

But that is something I've tried to instill in the guys. We are potentially a First Division outfit if we play as well as we can.

It is difficult to get into the First Division, a lot of hard work needs to go into that first, but I've been clear with the guys that this is where I want to compete.

Rudolph Interview After T20 Blast Victory against Hampshire at the Ageas Bowl