The Cricketing Family Harrison - March 5th at 7pm

2 Mar 2019 | Cricket
The Harrison Family are the guests in the final talk of the winter programme in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff on Tuesday, March 5th (starting at 7.00pm)

“ The Cricketing Family Harrison”  will see Stuart, David and Adam – the cricketing family from Panteg – reflect on their own careers in professional cricket with Glamorgan as well as their work after retiring from playing.

Stuart has been a distinguished teacher in Monmouthshire for many years, whilst David has moved into coaching with Glamorgan, besides acting as analyst for the England Lions. Adam is also a teacher, besides leading the delivery of the BTEC course in Sport Studies at Glamorgan Cricket's headquarters in Sophia Gardens.

Tickets for the evening cost £3 in advance for current Glamorgan members or £4 on the door on the night. For non-members, it’s £4 in advance or £5 on the door (Price includes complimentary tea and coffee).  

Tickets can be purchased either:

  1. from Reception in the Discover Leeks Pavilion during normal office hours

  2. by ringing 02920 419383

  3. sending an email to


    Please enquire about parking when purchasing your ticket.