The Next Generation - @7.30pm on Sept 28th

23 Sep 2016 | Events
The first of the series of popular winter talks in the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket at The SSE SWALEC takes place on Wednesday, September 28th starting at 7.30pm

Entitled “The Next Generation”, this will be an evening looking ahead to the future with Richard Almond and members of the Glamorgan Academy speaking about their activities relating to the next generation of Glamorgan cricketers.

The evening will begin with a short introduction by Andrew Hignell looking at how attempts to nurture home-grown talent were undertaken in the past, as well as providing background to the creation of the National Cricket Centre with grant assistance during 1998 and 1999.

Richard will then speak about his role in identifying and nurturing young players, as well as explaining the pathways into the Club’s Academy in liaison with the coaches and development officers employed by Cricket Wales.

Members of the Glamorgan Academy will then give a presentation about their year on the Academy, their matches and their overseas tour. As always, there will also be plenty of time for a Q and A with the participants.

Tickets for the evening cost £3 in advance for current Glamorgan members or £4 on the door on the night. For non-members, it’s £4 in advance or £5 on the door (Price includes complimentary tea and coffee).  Tickets can be purchased either:

  1. from Reception in the Discover Leeks Pavilion during normal office hours
  2. by ringing 02920 419383
  3. sending an email to

Please enquire about parking when purchasing your ticket.