Wick and Marcross Primary School wins art competition

12 Jun 2017 | Cricket
Pupils from Wick and Marcross Primary School in the Vale of Glamorgan have won the art-based competition organised by the Community Department of Glamorgan County Cricket Club to celebrate the Welsh county being one of the host venues for the 2017 ICC Champions Trophy.

‘The Global Family of Cricket’ competition involved pupils at primary and secondary schools in Wales designing artwork for a permanent commemorative board at Glamorgan’s headquarters in Cardiff as the Welsh county created a lasting legacy of the international competition, besides promoting community cohesion and other important values through the medium of sport.

“The standard of entries was very high, “ commented Andrew Hignell, Glamorgan’s Heritage and Educational Co-ordinator, “but the entry from Wick and Marcross stood out for it’s simplicity and originality, using the maps and national flags of each country. Our warmest congratulations to Mr.Ward and his creative pupils from Wick and Marcross for winning the competition.”