Ashes Partner Schools Project - St Joseph's School

26 Jun 2015 | Cricket
With the Ashes Test Match just under a fortnight away, further entries have been made by schools from across Wales in the Ashes Partner Schools Project which has seen pupils at primary and secondary schools throughout the country working with Glamorgan Cricket in the preparation of films and other presentational material with an Ashes-theme.
Amongst the latest films to be received by Glamorgan Cricket is material from pupils across Years 4, 5 and 6 at St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School in Colwyn Bay. The youngsters from the North School have been working together to make a movie about their favourites moments from Ashes history. They initially researched famous innings, bowling performances and other events from the iconic series between England and Australia, before, as a group, voting for their favourites. Based on their choices, they planned storyboards to re-enact a selection of these best moments, before filming and editing their work using iPads and iMovie.

This work has involved a great range of thinking, communication and ICT skills, said James Wilkinson, the school's Acting Headteacher. It has really captured their imagination and has created a great deal of enthusiasm amongst the group.

They have taken great pride in their work and are eager to share the outcomes with a wider audience, as well as being able to attend one of the days of the historic match itself at Glamorgan's headquarters in Cardiff.

As a school, we are very honoured and proud to be able to come to Cardiff and to be part of the Test Match itself. The pupils are all very excited at being part of the Guard on Honour as well as the group of schoolchildren who will be playing on the outfield during the luncheon intervals.

Click here to watch the film made by the pupils at St.Joseph's