Catena To Launch Networking Partnership With Glamorgan CCC

11 Jun 2015 | Cricket
A new networking partnership has been announced by Glamorgan County Cricket Club and independent networking organisation, Catena Network.
The Partnership will be launched at an evening networking event for businesses at The SSE SWALEC on Wednesday 1st July from 6-8pm - exactly one week before the start of the Investec Ashes Test Series in Cardiff. Guest speaker will be former Glamorgan cricketer, Mike Powell.

The partnership is part of the growth strategy for Catena Network, a matchmaking service for businesses that helps to put companies in touch with those that they would like to nurture a business relationship with. The Network comprises both sporting and business networks and has begun a crowdfunding drive to help finance the growth of Catena nationally, through cricket clubs.

Claire Bicknell, Managing Director of Catena Network commented: I'm delighted to launch our Partnership with Glamorgan County Cricket Club. I'm aware that some businesses would like to grow a relationship with elite sports clubs, but are wary of the perceived costs. But this is a way for businesses to get to know the Club and explore ways in which they can create a relationship.

The whole ethos of the Catena Network is to allow business people to get to know each other in relaxed and informal surroundings, with elevator speeches. Catena provides facilitated introductions, removing a need to 'work the room' and assists with follow up connections if required. The facilities at The SSE SWALEC, the home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club, lend themselves to exactly this kind of networking.

Michael Temple, Head of Commercial at Glamorgan County Cricket Club said: We are proud that our venue continues to serve as a great place to watch cricket, and to do business, and look forward to the launch of a long and prosperous partnership with Catena Network.

Catena are very highly regarded and we are delighted that they have chosen to launch their Welsh offer at The SSE SWALEC.

For further information about Catena or the networking event please contact Claire Bicknell