Glamorgan Host Show Racism the Red Card

29 Sep 2014 | Cricket
Show Racism the Red Card held their first event of the 2014-15 season with Glamorgan County Cricket Club.
Young people from Ysgol Pencae attended the SWALEC Stadium to take part in the event.

The work didn't start at the event for the young people. Prior to the day the pupils had the task to research the topic of racism and the history of racism in sport and society. This was in preparation for the afternoons role-play press conference at the event.

The morning session kicked off with Education Worker Christian Roberts delivering a SRtRC Educational workshop to the pupils who took to opportunity to make some notes to add to their research.

The workshop focused on introducing the issue of racism along with challenging myths and stereotypes that exist in society. The last element of the workshop discussed terms with the young people, who explored which words are acceptable or not acceptable to use in society.

The afternoon session saw the pupils watch our educational DVD who received some key messages from their role models.

After the DVD it was time for the Role play press conference where the pupils took on the role of media journalists. Using all the research they had done previously along with additional information from the educational workshop & DVD, the pupils were ready with their questions to ask the panel that included Glamorgan Cricket players Will Owen & Andrew Salter.

There were some challenging questions in the press conference and the best asked questions won a SRtRC goodie bag and a prize from the club.

All the pupils will be using the lessons they have learnt along with the responses from the press conference to design and write their own newspaper article.

After the event pupils took part in a practical coaching session that included some fun and games delivered by Glamorgan Cricket coaches.

Ysgol Pencae teacher Mari Pritchard said: The workshop and event sparked a really good discussion with the pupils in a positive and engaging way.

We would like to thank the club for hosting the event, the school for attending the day, Will & Andrew for their support in the Role play press conference. The event was sponsored by the Big Lottery and the Welsh Government. To view photos from the event click HERE

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